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My Wife’s Glorious Triathlon Comeback

February 9, 2023

12:00 am

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Thea Tinapay /

Graphic Designer

Ut congue iaculis maximus. Nulla et sollicitudin purus. Mauris malesuada vestibulum placerat.

From Gee Timbol: 

Once upon a time, in 2018, I participated in my last triathlon before becoming a mother. Little did I know that this would mark the beginning of a transformative journey filled with resilience and joy. 

In the years that followed, my husband and I faced the challenging journey of miscarriages. Each loss took a toll on us, but amidst the pain, we held onto hope. 

Finally, in 2019, we received the news we had been waiting for – I was pregnant. Filled with gratitude and responsibility, I prioritized the safety of my pregnancy and my daughter’s well-being. 

With this new focus, my goals and passions took a backseat as I dedicated myself to motherhood. Each day was an adventure, filled with joys and challenges. Time flew by, and in 2023, we completed our family. 

As I held my son in my arms, a fire ignited within me. It was time for my comeback. 

Juggling work, caring for two young children, and pursuing another degree, my days were packed. But I was determined to reclaim my identity and prioritize my well-being. 

On race day, fear gripped me, but I was ready to give it my all. 

Mask group 19
Mask group 20

As the race began, I felt a newfound strength. It was a testament to the strength I gained as a mother. 

Pushing through fatigue and doubt, I drew strength from my children’s faith in me. Their cheers propelled me forward. 

And when that moment arrived, when I crossed the finish line with my children, the sweetness of victory was amplified. I had triumphed over obstacles and shown my children the power of perseverance. 

As I basked in the glory of my comeback, I knew this was just the beginning. With my family by my side, I was ready for new adventures, challenges, and a life filled with love and strength.