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Coach Dax Grateful as New Brand Ambassador for Trek Bikes

May 25, 2023

12:00 am

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Thea Tinapay /

Graphic Designer

Ut congue iaculis maximus. Nulla et sollicitudin purus. Mauris malesuada vestibulum placerat.

I am incredibly grateful and humbled to have been chosen as a Trek Ambassador. This opportunity is truly a blessing that I do not take lightly. Being a Trek Ambassador is more than just a title; it is a chance to embody my love for cycling, inspire others, and be a positive force in the cycling community. 

Moreso, I am filled with excitement as I see it as a privilege to represent a brand that I deeply admire and believe in. The recognition as a Trek Ambassador validates my dedication to the sport, my passion for riding, and my commitment to sharing the joy of cycling with others. 

I am committed to approaching this role with gratitude, humility, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact. I want to be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and motivation for fellow cyclists, and I am excited to share my passion for cycling with a wider audience. 

Mask group 17
Mask group 18

As I embark on this journey as a Trek Ambassador, I am filled with gratitude for the blessings that have come my way. I look forward to riding with purpose, leading by example, and spreading the joy of cycling wherever I go. This opportunity is a gift, and I intend to make the most of it, not just for myself, but for the cycling community as a whole. 

Thank you, Trek, for entrusting me with this role. I am ready to ride on, inspire others, and be a positive force in the world of cycling. Here’s to the road ahead, filled with endless possibilities, challenges, and blessings.